About me
Heather DiFede is the Executive Director for East County SELPA. East County SELPA, along with Santa Clara County SELPA, has been awarded the High Quality IEP Grant awarded by CDE. East County SELPA is currently serving as an Exemplar for Interagency Collaboration for the California Early Childhood Special Education Network. Ms. DiFede recently served on the IEP Expert Panel for California and is a co-chair for the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) Forms Manual through the SELPA Administrators Association of California. As a SELPA Administrator, Ms. DiFede has served as the Chair of the SELPA Administrators’ Association, and additionally is serving or has served as co-chair for the following Association Committees: Forms, CALPADS & Compliance, Local Plan, and Interagency Collaboration. She has also served on numerous statewide committees including the Dashboard Alternate School Status, College and Career Indicator for Alternate Schools, AB 2657 Restraint & Seclusion Workgroup, and the Students with Disabilities Collective. Locally, she serves on the Part C Interagency Leadership committee, and is a past chair of this committee. Ms. DiFede was awarded the 2016 Special Education Administrator of the Year for California by the Association of California School Administrators.